Games + Fiction
The Kids From Yesterday are your gateway to adventure in games and story.
Release your imagination.

Short stories of pirates & monsters.
Bitterwind is produced in Seasons. A season is an anthology of 10 tales in both literature and audio productions. Each season is available both digitally and physically.
The demons are this way →
An Excerpt from Darkest Before Dawn
Emboldened by the support, but still confused, Sully spoke every accusation as a question, "Listen, Barty, if that is even your name. Everyone knows..." He paused and took the last swig of his mug of ale to collect his thoughts, "That if you are a pirate, you must eat ham! It's pirate code number... You know. That one." Continue the tale →

A classic turn-based RPG with a deep card-based battle system and deck builder.
Towns are falling to sickness. Crops are failing and cattle are dying. There are reports of beasts roaming unchecked while entire villages have vanished. Some have said that the dead now walk among the living. The Darkness has reached your borders... Is now the time to act?
Discover the mystery of Dolven →
Our Mission
To bring joy and happiness to our customers and to our team, forever. Our customers are the players of our games, the readers and audience of our stories - those who love and cherish our products. Our team are the people who create our worlds and stories, bring them to life, and enable us to share them with our customers.

Studio Head | Creator
Want to work together?
- Adventure Calls
- Free

Our first zine is shipping soon!
Full of short stories, indie and table top games and
prototypes, shareware, music, behind-the-scenes stories and industry tales.
Curious? Read more →
Zero Issue Offer ✨
As a thank you for your early support *all* subscribers can have their name, handle, or gamertag in the very first issue.
How do I get it?
Click the button below, enter your email, and we'll send a request for your credit prior to shipping.
Premium issues are available for purchase →
The digital basic edition is available 100% free.